Minky Starshine – Womanity
75OL-140 Minky Starshine – Womanity
$7.99 S&H Included
Digital download is available here
Track Listing:
- Hard Times
- Heaven Sent
- Cinematic Mojo (video)
- Beautiful Girl
- Laughing Gas
- Straight Hip
- What I Want
- Bottle With the Blues
- Entre Nous
- Make You Mine
- I’m The One
Sonically grander than previous Minky Starshine records, 2012’s “Womanity” is tightly arranged and produced, delivering bursts of warmth and color from start to finish. The songs continue to feel like memories from our past, but are fashioned to recall the most notable melody makers in todays hip indie culture. This is the birth of a new beat. Drawing upon the classic powerpop running through their blood, Minky and his camp of lovelorn bandits have pulled out all the stops this third time around. The newest addition of drummer John Sands(Aimee Mann, Liz Phair) and Tracy Bonham(vocals/violin) combined with a soundscape of horns, synths and other oddball blips and bleeps, often brings to mind the creative genius of a mad-scientist ringside at the circus. But, how can a cosmopolitan brand of indie rock still be strut worthy while offering listeners such hope and emotional sentiment? This record answers that question while turning new wave aesthetics into old wave media. Oh, the womanity of it all…Produced by Anthony Resta (Duran Duran) and mastered by Chris Gehringer (Rihanna, Lady Gaga) at various locations along the east coast.