The 75orLess music ‘label’ was started in February 2006, and has since released over 300 albums, specializing in indie, punk, garage, and other non-traditional and non-commercial music genres. We obviously couldn’t compete in the modern music business, so we aren’t even going to try. Convincing anyone of anything positive about underground music has become too difficult, so by putting this music out, there’s the small hope the weirder music fans will discover it. The ‘label’ specializes in small print runs on vinyl and offers each album for sale through the label webpage. We do not distribute our cds in stores outside the Providence, RI/ Southeastern Mass area. Typical releases have between 50-500 copies made, almost all with digital download options. We also offer advice on affordable custom packaging creation and design, recording, live booking, equipment hook-ups, promotion and a shoulder to cry on. 99% of our bands aren’t on tour, but perform live in the RI/Mass area, hence, the traditional role of ‘label’ is quite overstated in our case.
If you have seen the items on the 75orLess Instagram and would like to either buy or trade, please contact us at the email address at the bottom of this page.
75orLess was a music review site that existed over the twelve year span 2001-2013. It remains online as an archive of over 1,900 album, book, and dvd reviews, each in under seventy five words (remember, Twitter debuted in March 2006, so we were ahead of the curve.) 75orLess reviews was recognized by Time Magazine, USA Today, Yahoo!, and The Bloggies back when print media was still king.
We are based outside of Providence, Rhode Island. We offer no apologies, nor should you hold that against us.
You can listen to music from our label here
If you want to submit your music for consideration, you can reach us below. If we like it, we will reply.
75orLess [at] gmail.com
@75orLess on twitter
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