Posts By 75orLess
The McGunks at KC’s Tap
with The VapoRubs and SixTenConnector
KC’s Tap
530 Broadway
Pawtucket, Rhode Island 02860
Thrift Store Ransom review at The Sound
File under: Folk, Americana, Pop, Rock
Sounds like: Impromptu jams from The Byrds, Electric Light Orchestra, Elvis Costello, and
Roy Orbison
Thrift Store Ransom was born out of the annual RPM Challenge. As many RPM alumni know, to write and record an entire album in the year’s shortest month is a journey best experienced with friends. The studio project that began with songwriter Eric Ott and Sean Yadisernia quickly grew to a gathering of 10, including Guy Capecelatro, producer Chris Decato and even Ott’s daughter, Lindsay, who contributed the majority, and the best, of the albums’ lyrics.
The band’s name is, in a sense, literal, as if Ott, Yadisernia, and company have raided a thrift store and plucked out gems from the past. The songs travel from decade to decade, employing the best sounds of their respective eras. The ’60s are well represented in the pop hooks on the album’s standout track, “Moonshine,” and the slow psychedelic sounds of “Cold Blue.” The ’70s “Crazy Horse”-inspired sounds of “The Mill Song #2” give way to the ’80s Costello-esque ender, “Crescent Palms.” The transitions are seamless, and combined with Ott’s resonant vocals, make for traveled-time well spent.
Ott is recording new solo material and playing with Nate Laban in Bear, Brook and The Elephant. Let’s hope he finds an occasion to bring Thrift Store Ransom together again. It would be interesting to see what they could do with more time, literally and figuratively.
Mike Mountain at AS220
with Kowalski, Sciomancy,and Camp Entropic
Empire Street
Gavage at Aurora
with Lala Lala, Herbs Chambers, and Bryan Reynolds
Westminster Street
Providence, RI
Black Oil Incinerator at The Parlour
with Pixels, Peach Pit, and Linear North
The Parlour
No. Main Street
Providence, RI
Dennis Most and the Instigators at Pauly’s Hotel
with Order of the Circle and Eye And I
Paulys Hotel
337 Central Ave
Albany, New York 12206
Black Oil Incinerator at the Greek-American Social Club
Presented by Nicole Tammaro Photography & Herding Cats….
with Never Got Caught, Linear North, and Peach Pit
Greek-American Social Club
79 Bow St, Union Square
Somerville, Mass
Somerville street parking meters go till 8pm.
BIG FREE PARKING LOT in the middle of Union Square, over by Goodyear (behind the bank)
Eric Baylies in-store reading at The Traphaus
with Maggie Cleveland and Sonic Nova
The Traphaus
127 West Rodney French Blvd
New Bedford, Massachusetts 02740
Vertical Twin and Coma Coma at Dusk
with Jets Can’t Land
Harris Ave
Providence, RI
Bob Kendall Band at One Pelham East
This is a benefit for Paul Geremia and other performers include Honky Tonk Nights, Abbey Rhode, Michael Troy, Otis Reed & Friends, Another Roadside Attraction, and Art Manchester & Tony Medeiros. A silent auction and raffle will be held.
One Pelham East
270 Thames St
Newport, RI
Tickets $20 in advance at http://itrulycare.com/events/paul-geremia-benefit-concert or $25 at the door