Posts By 75orLess
Bill Keough ‘I Know Where You’ve Been’ video
I am Tom Cummins ‘Resolve to Start Again’ video
I am Tom Cummins ‘Squirrel Song’ video
Jackson Jillson ‘Room 175’ video
I Am Tom Cummins – Holiday 3-Pak
75OL-196 I Am Tom Cummins – Holiday 3-Pak CD
$6.00 S&H Included
Digital download is available here
Track Listing
1. Squirrel Song (video)
2. Downy Woodpecker
3. Resolve To Start Again (video)
The first release by I Am Tom Cummins features the musical ideas of Tom Cummins and Kraig Jordan (Lloyd’s Llamas, The Masons, Junior Varsity Arson.) Playful lyrics and simple beats set the scene for escape. Animals skate and speak. A man muses about the rush of America’s holiday season leaving him cold. And another New Year begins. Influences include Beck, Morrissey, Burl Ives, and Burt Bacharach.
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