Posts By 75orLess
Allysen Callery at Prinz Willy
with Ryan Lee Crosby
Prinz Willy
Kiel, Germany
Allysen Callery at Artquarium
with Ryan Lee Crosby
Rostock, Germany
Hope Anchor at The Scury Dog
The Scurvy Dog back parking lot
Westminster St
Providence, RI
Starts at 2:00pm
Extinction Machine
The Sleazies
The Viennagram
Thee Itchies
J (X tribute)
The Wolfbane Blues
The Quahogs
The Defectives
Allysen Callery at Ruhrwerkstatt
with Ryan Lee Crosby
Oberhausen, Germany
Jacob Haller at WFMU’s Monty Hall
WFMU’s Monty Hall
43 Montgomery Street
Jersey City, NJ 07302
Jacob Haller at AS220
4 Songwriters ~ 4 Rounds ~ All Acoustic ~ All Original
Jacob Haller
Tim Young
Jason Valcourt
Nate Cozzolino
115 Empire Street
Providence, RI
Motif Magazine reviews Bob Kendall’s Self Titled Album
If buying just one single from this collection, this writer would choose “Rage.” It is the most heartfelt, enduring relationship tune I have heard in a while. It has a nice production with neatly dropped cymbal crashes and soft keys to building waves of emotional tension. “Into the ocean, if all my rage slipped into the wrong hands, into the wrong hands, would we lose our way.”
The holidays can be painful, but there is nothing worse than grinning and bearing one’s painful way through them. “Holiday” reminds us that being with that special someone, even if things aren’t going well, might just be the only gift we need until the thaw.
I’m not sure what is really going on in “Pall Mall Days,” but I like the tune and maybe you and I really do not need to know and should just listen to this one.
The most acoustic tune on the album is “You Can’t Have Everything.” If this is what he sounds like solo acoustic, I think we should all seek him out and give a listen. It is his voice, rather raw and up front, that opens this careful-what-you-wish-for number, “You can’t have everything, cause you just want more, careful what you’re asking for, cause it might be yours.”
The collection ends with what appears to be a ghost track – “Wind.” A plane flying overhead, a church organ and tenor vocalist singing a la Sunday service style. Curious for sure.
I think Bob Kendall’s work is well worth its place in one’s collection. If you are not convinced by this reviewer’s take, give a listen to him yourself on November 22 at the Commonfence Point in Little Compton. Learn more about Bob by visiting
Baylies Band at Fatt Squirrel
with 1 Cent Peep Show, Dr. Baby, Red Sneakers (Japan), Sciomancy, Kowalski
Fatt Squirrel
150 Chestnut St
Providence, RI
Bob Kendall, Allysen Callery, and Haunt the House at Norman Bird Sanctuary
as part of the Harvest fair 40th Anniversary
with Dylan Sevey & the Gentlemen, Smith & Weeden
Norman Beach Sanctuary
583 Third Beach Road
Middletown, RI
Nate Shaw Art Opening at AS220 Empire Street
“I, Barfly” the new exhibit by Nate Shaw (from 75orLess garage rock band The Doll Eyes)
115 Empire Street
Providence, RI