Posts By 75orLess
Mark Cutler and the Tiny String Band at Greenwich Hotel
Greenwich Hotel
East Greenwich, RI
Sweet Love, Hooker Clops & The Blood Moons at Dusk
Providence, RI
Atomic Buddha review in Incognito Webzine
Atomic Buddha review in Incognito Webzine. You can read it here.
The Atomic Buddha – Blottered
75OL-170 The Atomic Buddha – Blottered CD
$7.00 S&H Included
Digital download of the album is available here. CD contains two songs not included on the digital download.
Track listing
1. Cosmic Band
2. Dying Star
3. You’re Not In Reach
4. Ginger Baker’s Nightmare
5. I’m So High
6. Guilty
7. Should’ve Seen It Coming
8. Fading Fast
9. Now You Are Gone
10. Atomic Buddha
“Blottered” is a 10 track collection of pounding garage rock from The Atomic Buddha. Each of these songs is an unapologetic mash of raucous guitars, bass, drums and vocals careening from hallucinogenic depths to the sharp ends of accusation. Along the way are some raw psychedelic blasts (I’m So High, Fading Fast) and some pile driving rock with the energy of The Who (Ginger Baker’s Nightmare, You’re Not In Reach). It all ends with “The Atomic Buddha” an 11 minute guitar freak out-not for the timid!
Limited to 100 copies on brown jackets, 25 copies on white jackets.
All copies bought through the label webpage will ship with a link for a digital download of nine demo songs from the sessions.
Crotchthrottle – Fictional Syntax
75OL-166 Crotchthrottle – Fictional Syntax CD
$7.00 S&H Included
Digital download is available here
Track listing
1. Move Yr Fingers and Click
2. Triple-A Toledo (free mp3)
3. Muttonchop Commuter
4. Every Piece Has Purpose
5. Forgotten Pocket
6. Frozen Rainbow Particles
7. Moon Wolves Are Apparently Giants
8. That Late 2001 Gear Architecture
9. Anonymous Buzz (free mp3)
10. Immense Density of Tiny Bubbles
11. Lima Luna, The Ultimate Pet
12. Long Gone John and the Horn of Plenty
13. Seersucker Proxy
14. To Link The Now Click Below
15. Carbon Pivot
16. Flourescence
Has it really been two years since the last full-length release from this fever dream of a band? That’s what the calendar tells us, but we haven’t really been sure of anything since the last dose of quinine. Following in the footsteps of Everything Odder Than Everything Else, Fictional Syntax finds Crotchthrottle sinking even further into the morass that is “structured” music, embracing things like melody, rhythm, and occasionally even intelligible vocals. They still remain totally obtuse on the genre front, swerving from quasi-electronic shenanigans to fuzzy freakouts, sometimes within the same song. When asked “What the hell were you thinking?” by management, the band refused to elaborate in any legally binding format.
The first 25 copies sold will get a special gift, hand packaged by the band.
The diePods, Meds, many others at Billy Goodes
The diePods, Meds, many others
Final night of Billy Goodes Tavern
Billy Goodes
Newport, RI
Bob Kendall Band at Sally O’Brien’s Bar
with American Beauties and The Big Lonesome
Sally O’Brien’s Bar
Somerville, Mass
The Uncomfortables at Silk City Tap
with Hotblack, The Evil Streaks, Bottlefight, and Incircles
Silk City Tap
99 Main St Florence, Mass
Mark Cutler at Nick-a-nees
with Men of Great Courage
Providence, RI
The Blood Moons at Pour Farm
with O.G. Immigrants and Nick Sundman
Pour Farm
New Bedford, Mass