Posts By 75orLess
Plug, Deadlands, and Keith AB & The Upsell at Pour Farm
Pour Farm
Purchase st
New Bedford, Mass
Jets Can’t Land at Fort Foreclosure
with Barn Burning
Fort Foreclosure
Water St
Warren, RI
Bob Kendall at Newport Vineyards
with Allysen Callery
Newport Vineyards
909 East Main Rd. (Rte 138)
Middletown, RI 02842
Low Cards and Coma Coma at Warren Folks Fest
with GloRI Girls, Consuelo’s Revenge, Cactus Attack, Torn Shorts and more
30 Cutler St
Warren, RI
Baylies Band at AS220
with Disaster Strikes, The Hammer Party, Electric Blankets
A Benefit for Jobs with Justice
115 Empire St
Providence, RI
The McGunks at the Midway Cafe
with Jason Bennent & TR, Lilac City Low Lifes and Triggered
Midway Cafe
3496 Washington St
Jamaica Plain, Mass
Sick Pills and The Callouts at Pour Farm
with Chris Boardman
Pour Farm Tavern
Purchase St
New Bedford, Mass
Mayan Rocket Club – Self Titled CD
75OL-297 Mayan Rocket Club – Self Titled CD

$7.00 S&H Included
Digital download and streaming is available here
Track Listing
- it has been decided
- and the clown kept rowing
- le’ec ti le’ec
- hiding (in plain sight)
- snap out of it
- the longest thaw
header Mayan Rocket Club
The Callouts at News Cafe
with Green Piece, Sorry, and The Dirty Birds
News Cafe
Broad St
Pawtucket, RI