Posts By 75orLess
header Gaskill Special Weapons
Gaskill at O’Brien’s Pub
with Test Meat, Birnam Wood, and Gasoline Virgins
O’Brien’s Pub
3 Harvard Ave
Allston, Massachusetts
Foul Weather Friend at Nick-a-nees
Jenn Lombari and You And Everything
75 South St
Providence, Rhode Island
Foul Weather Friend Self Titled Album review in Motif
Foul Weather Friend – Self-Titled
Don’t know why, but I didn’t think that I’d like this debut album from Foul Weather Friend as much I do. It was an irrational fear because I run into my pal Bruce Humphrey at every show I’m excited about from here to Boston. We obviously have similar interests. What was I thinking — that Bruce was playing in a one of those country pop bands? In the words of Husker Du, “It makes no sense at all.” I popped in the biscuit and it kicks with a tune, “Halo Moon,” that is so good that I spent three months listening to that on repeat and didn’t bother with the rest of the record (sorry Bruce!). As the title suggests, it is ethereal and not far from a stone’s throw to stuff like The Yawpers with a Stones opening punch like punk rockers mining the roots. Lines like, “We’re so sway by the lunacy around us” sum up these times. I did eventually get to track two, being the responsible journalist that I occasionally am, to “Fences and Walls,” which is impossible to think of without mentioning the orangutan President we are all so lucky to have according to one Twitter account. “Fences and Walls” reminds me of Mathew Sweet fronting a band inspired by mod-era The Who mixed with Psychedelic Furs. “Let It Go” reminds me of the Goo Goo Dolls, before they sucked, as a ballad. It’s not quite Replacements level, but what is? “Girls of Wild Strawberries” sounds like you crushed Nick Lowe and Tommy Keene in a blender and poured the result over ice. “Happy Bubble” is the rocker with runner-up status to “You’re Love Won’t Leave Me Alone.” The closing, “No Use to You Now,” captures the defeated heartbreak of The Replacements with an indie rock swing.
header Karma Rocket Peace and Quiet
Karma Rocket – Peace and Quiet
75OL-277 Karma Rocket – Peace and Quiet
$7.00 S&H Included
Streaming and digital download available here
Track Listing
1. Persephone
2. Lost It All
3. Creepily
4. Kay
5. Hey Dad
6. That Song
7. Blurry
8. Vulture
9. Stab
10. Legs
11. Hallelujah
75orLess 2018 Summer Sampler
75OL-280 75orLess 2018 Summer Sampler
This is a free download from the label bandcamp page
We hand-stamped and numbered ten cd copies of this comp. If you really want the cd version of this, use the paypal link below
$6.00 S&H Included
Track Listing
1. Invisible Man – Hey Jim 2:52
2. Plug – Don’t Be Strong (Live in-studio) 2:20
3. Stan – The Stanifesto (June mix) 3:38
4. Jeff the Postman – Tethered 3:11
5. Wrong Way Roger – Amaretto 3:18
6. Mark Cutler – Feeling Good Today 3:17
7. Bendays – Midnight Marge 3:19
8. Gladhouse – Drifting 3:14
9. Jets Can’t Land – Wreckage (Radio edit) 4:46
10. Automono – We, the People are the Plankton 2:15
11. Test Tube – You Gotta Be Nice 1:57
12. Foul Weather Friend – Sully The Mix 3:48
13. Deadlands – Wonderland 3:55
14. Josh Brown & the Blazers – Honorable Mention 1:50
15. Bill Keough – Soul and Fire (Sebadoh) 3:14
16. Jacob Haller – The Weiner Song 1:47
17. Maria Monk – Martin’s Letter 6:36
18. Minky Starshine – Whiskey In A Tea Cup (expl ver) 2:00
19. Hope Anchor – Dead and Gone 3:08
20. Harvey Garbage – Filthy 2:18
21. Gaskill – I Am A Spider 3:11
22. We Own Land – Deserae 4:13
23. The Really Heavy – Punch 3:43
24. Karma Rocket – Stab 3:54
Karma Rocket at the Parlour
with Tall Teenagers and 123 Astronaut
The Parlour
North Main St
Providence, RI
Hope Anchor at Askew
with Plug
150 Chestnut St
Providence, RI
Sick Pills and The Callouts at Pour Farm
with Kris Fortin
Pour Farm
780 Purchase St
New Bedford, Mass