Posts By 75orLess
The Callouts at News Cafe
with Modern Primates asnd Foul Weather Friend
News Cafe
Broad st
Pawtucket, RI
Jodie Treloar at the Galactic Theater
with Jenn Lombari
Galactic Theater
Main St
no cover
Eric Baylies Top 10 in The Noise
Top 10 New England Bands
1. Doomsday Student: Doomsday Student is one of the best live bands in the world and put out incredible skronky post-everything albums.
2. 6 Star General: 6 Star General have been one of my favorite bands for about 10 years. The pride of Warren, Rhode Island, they consistently put out fantastic albums almost annually.
3. Lazertuth: the pride of outer space and southesatern Mass. Lazertuth is a modern day Magma.
4. Goon Planet: Providence has produced a lot of great noisy bands over the years, and Goon Planet is the latest in a long line of geniuses.
5. Pyramid: If Blondie or the Pretenders were a little more punk, but kept the great hooks, they would sound like Rhode Island’s Pyramid.
6. Sick Pills: Chris Evil and company have been cranking out punk gems for a long time, but Sick Pills add touches of The Modern Lovers and Cars to the mix.
7. Picniclunch: Picnic Lunch is the new kings of no wave.
8. David Carradine: Providence thrash punks have been destroying stages world wide for over a decade.
9. Ioneye: Newport, Rhode Island’s Ioneye is the solo project of Stephen Lepre, one of the greatest shredding guitar players on the planet.
10. Olneyville Sound System: OSS has been one the pillars of the Providence noise scene for 20 years, but is set apart a little due to the fact that they happen to also write great songs.
Eric Baylies Favorite Things in Boston Hassle
75orless records and Load records: still awesome after all these years.
Matthew Everett Band, Deadlands, Vertical Twin, Jets Can’t Land at Firehouse 13
it’s the ‘White Sugar’ album release show for Matthew Everett, with 75orless members Vertical Twin, Jets Can’t Land, and Deadlands opening up.
Firehouse 13
41 Central St
Providence, RI
Sick Pills at Pour Farm
with MOTO and The O’Tooles
Pour Farm
Purchase St
New Bedford, Mass
The Low Cards at Atwoods Tavern
Atwoods Tavern
Cambridge, Mass
The McGunks at Firehouse 13
with Continental, The Pourmen, The Hi-End, Sweet Babylon
Firehouse 13
Central St
Providence, RI
All ages
Baylies Band at Dusk
with Olneyville Sound System, Invisible Hours, Craig Wreck, & Goon Planet
Harris Ave
Providence, RI
Mark Cutler and the Men of Great Courage at The Narragansett Cafe
The Narragansett Cafe
25 Narragansett Ave
Jamestown, Rhode Island