Jacob Haller at Whalefest
Providence, RI
The Blood Moons (final show!) and Coma Coma at The Pour Farm
with Nick Sundman
The Pour Farm
780 Purchase St
New Bedford, Mass 02740
Bob Kendall at Sandywoods Center for the Arts
with Poor Rich Boy and Nerve Pill
Sandywoods Center for the Arts
Tiverton, Rhode Island
Motif Magazine covers Bob Kendall’s self titled album and the upcoming live performance of Stanatron
You can read the article here.
Allysen Callery at Perks and Corks
with John Fuzek
Perks and Corks
Westerly RI
Jacob Haller at AS220
as part of the Empire Revue
Empire Street
Mike Mountain at No Problemo
Benefit for Magoo
with Bad Motherfucker
No Problemo
813 Purchase st
New Bedford, Mass
Soma Nova at The Spot Underground
with Daddie Long Legs, Full Void, and The Stone Unturned
The Spot Underground
101 Richmond St, 2nd Floor,
Providence, Rhode Island 02903
Mike Mountain at The Pour Farm
with Kowalski
The Pour Farm
New Bedford, Mass
Bob Kendall – Self Titled
75OL-187 Bob Kendall – Self Titled
$9.99 S&H Included
Track Listing
1. Stay
2. Long Road
3. New Day
4. Waistd
5. Rage
6. Dazed
7. Dead End Dream
8. Holiday
9. Pall Mall Days
10. Can’t Have Everything