Category: Cronin, Prescott
Prescott Cronin Voices of Destruction
75OL-364 Prescott Cronin – Voices of Destruction digital download and CD

Digital download and streaming available here
$9.00 S&H Included
Track Listing
- Voices of Destruction
- Mother
- Corrupted Bravado
- Meet Me on the Corner
- Maribel
- When I was a Young Boy
- Reasons
- Pillows
- Sandcastle King
- Down
Prescott Cronin Sparkling Lake
75OL-317 Prescott Cronin – Sparkling Lake CD and digital download

$8.00 S&H Included
Digital download and streaming is available here
Track Listing
- Frontier
- Hills
- Leaves
- Book
- Weeds
- Boots
- Alone
- Today
- Anything
- Nowhere
- Sparkling Lake
Sorry for the delay . My sewer pipe got clogged , some wet basement clean up .. yuck
Any way
I guess influences from my teen yrs are here on this new music . Production values I would later believe to be unattractive and not possible for me . I hated them ..
My family lived in West Hollywood California . At the base of Laurel Canyon. In the 1970”s .
My earliest memories of music played by my folks included Talking Book by Stevie wonder ,the Beatles , CSN&Y , lots of classical, the opera . Cheech And Chong ..
In high school i would get into The Doors , Black Sabbath , The Who , Aerosmith, the Ramones , Zeppelin , the Stones … Pink Floyd ….Parliament.. not Fleetwood Mac
I was playing Guitar throughout.. Acoustic ..
I moved back to Boston . Bowie , Thin Lizzy , Mott The Hoople , T. Rex ,
I got angry . Got an electric guitar . Got into the more attainable sounds and thrash of Punk .. All three cords and the pushing and shoving of The Circle Jerks , Beastie Boys , Gang Green , etc…
Then I learned a 4th . And fifth cord .. the guy producing our record had worked with Phil Spector and Brian Wilson . Did a lot of research on the Pet Sounds record ( The Beach Boys ) .
Got burned out on trying to be a rock star . Family time .
Got into the whole octave pedal thing with Mark Sandman .. we traded some pedals .
The Forgotten years happened
I got sober October 1, 2018 and started these songs in the spring of 2019 . It took a while to be able to play again .
The bulk of this was started in March 2020 as the COVID 19 pandemic hit the US .
Thanks to :
The Idles for catching my eye … and so many other great young folks keeping the tradition ( whatever it is ) alive ..
This a big deal for me to put this record out ..
Mike Poskus – cover art
Ken Field-Flute on Alone from is home in Boston
Kip Boardman – keyboards on Sparkling Lake and Hills from his home in Los Angles
Truman Eltringham – lead guitar on Hills from his home in Nashville
Fred Eltringham – on all drums from his home in Nashville
And the Label .. The blessed 75orLess Records
I did the rest , recorded , mixed and took a try at mastering at my Home in Warren RI .
Gratefully ,
Recommended if you like Pink Floyd, Beck, the White Album, Crazy Horse