Six Star General at Jimmy’s Saloon
with Pale Amanitas and Santagata
Jimmy’s Saloon
Memorial Blvd.
Newport, RI
Toilet Ov Hell covers Allysen Callery’s Folk Radio 2014 EP
Allysen Callery – Folk Radio UK Session 2014 EP
Allysen Callery certainly does not play metal, but she sure does know how to play heavy on our hearts. This whole EP is definitely an emotional trip, but the song “The Huntsman” just stabs me right in the heart every damn time (skip to track 4). This is a beautiful release and I hope to hear more new music from Allysen very soon. If listening to this makes me a lifelover, then I can live with it!
Allysen Callery at Perks & Corks
with John Fuzak
Perks & Corks
Westerly, RI
Deadlands at The Met
with Ground State Automatic
The Met
Pawtucket, RI
Coma Coma, Vertical Twin, & Six Star General at Defender’s Cup
as part of the annual Mollypalooza! in Bristol, RI.
Defenders Cup
Wood St
Bristol, RI
Allysen Callery and Bob Kendall at Roger Williams National Memorial
with Marc Douglas Berardo and Ed McGuirl
Roger Williams National Memorial
282 N Main St, Providence, Rhode Island 02903
Bob Kendall at Sandywood Center for the Arts
with Red Eye Flight
Sandywood Center for the Arts
Tiverton, RI
Baylies Band at The Salon
with 28 Degrees Taurus and Pixels
The Salon
57 Eddy Street
Providence, RI
Mark Cutler and Men of Great Courage at Toad
1912 Massachusetts Ave
Cambridge, Massachusetts 02140
Matt Fraza at Artifact
Peace Dale, RI