The Uncomfortables at Ralph’s Diner
with The Human Floor, The McGunks
Ralph’s Diner
Worcester, Mass
Mark Cutler & Men of Great Courage at Nick-a-nee’s
with Pages of Paul
Providence, RI
The Doll Eyes ‘The Great Runner Up’ Album Review in Motif
The march 5, 2013 issue of Motif Magazine has a review of The Doll Eyes ‘The Great Runner Up’ album. You can read it here.
The Doll Eyes are #11 on 89.3 WUMD
The Doll Eyes are at #11 of the March 19, 2013 WUMD Top Plays Listing
MW Ensemble – 6 songs
75OL-164 MW Ensemble – 6 songs CD
$7.00 S&H Included
Digital download available here
Track Listing:
1. C(#)
2. AM
3. Park
4. Film
5. 12-tone #1a (Sequences of length= 4, add 3 then 9, for piano)
6. 12-tone #1b (Sequences of length= 3, add 3 then 9, for piano)
MW Ensemble is Nancy Wheeler and Mike Winters, who make piano/cello music that is sometimes integrated with field recordings and/or electronic sounds. Songs are predetermined, but can also be improvised at times.
Limited to 50 silkscreen copies on numbered brown and white jackets.
The Doll Eyes at Broad St Pub
With The McGunks and The O’Tooles
Broad Street Pub
Cumberland, RI
Two Guys and Another Guy at Billy Goodes
with Neutral Nation at Billy Goodes
Newport, RI
Dennis Most Live at Maximum Capacity
Benefit show for the children of Tondo
with Tony Valley | Third Age | The Money$ | Remones | Belleau Wood | Otan Vargas | Radio Vendetta | Legion
Chris Piquette Band | Knuckle Head | Death Rattle | Tainted Hate | The Ramparts | Darkside of Heaven
Maximum Capacity
Chicopee, MA
Website updates continue….
As of March 15, 2013 newly updated sections include:
1. a fully-linked discography page.
2. an ‘about’ section with label and podcast info.
3. the addition of 30 album covers on the front page scrolling marquee.
4. all album cover photos in the marquee link to that release.
4. 25 albums in the store now have links to purchase the digital download.
5. added the ‘New Releases’ section to the store.
6. 36 new songs added to the Free Mp3 Song Downloads section.
The Uncomfortables at Silk City Tap
with Humanoids, Bottlefight
Silk City Tap
Florence, Mass