Category: MUSIC
Six Star General – Take Your Teeth Out
75OL-085 Six Star General – Take Your Teeth Out CD
$7.00 S&H Included
Digital download with artwork available here
Track Listing
- Half Flat
- Paint Throw
- Landmine in a Landslide
- One Way Walkie Talkie
- Bermese Surname
- Bad Jokes For White Folks
- Metal Heart
- Jazzwad
- Blame Takes Names
- Thoughts In, Words Out
- High or Hard
Six Star General releases their fifth album of all new material and seventh album overall. Recorded over two days in November with Scott Rancourt (The Masons, The diePods) at Summing Point Studios in Newport, half of the album had been recorded back in August but the masters went missing. Rather than focus on retrieving on the lost recordings, the band decided to re-record all the songs. Eleven tracks, including one instrumental and a cover of Cat Power’s “Metal Heart”. Influences include The Minutemen, Naked Raygun and Dinosaur Jr.
Limited to 100 silkscreen copies on CD
Güntaard – Rhubarb in the Hoo-Ha
75OL-049 Güntaard – Rhubarb in the Hoo-Ha CD
Limited silkscreen edition of 50 copies
$7.00 S&H Included
Track Listing
- How Does It Feel To Be Named Chip?
- Buttercup Calf
- Please Buy My Junk
- Trot Along Pony
- Deviants Night Out
- Curtains Down
- This is How You Fake It
- Time Will Go By
- Two of Us
- The Suit
- Couldn’t Catch Me
- Fluttering Wet Cardboard Beatbox
Recorded between April 1996 and May 1998 on a Tascam 4 track cassette and forgotten about, the five members of Güntaard have never all been in the same room at the same time but were all fueled by the same things- bong hits, failed relationships, and unemployment. Using traditional instruments such as guitars, bass, and keyboards as well as drum machines, screwdrivers on metal tables, tape loops, television sets, electronic toys with dying batteries, they recorded over 100 songs in this two year period. Rhubard in the Hoo-Ha is a collection of songs that are heavy on the drum machines and distorted vocals. For fans of Ween, Trollin Withdrawal and Butthole Surfers.
Kill Kill Kill – Shark Smells Blood
75OL-048 Kill Kill Kill – Shark Smells Blood CD
Limited to 50 silkscreen copies on CD
$7.00 S&H Included
Track Listing
- Accidental Accidental
- Yoko Ono (Original Hipster)
- Dark Cold Dark (Shark Smells Blood)
- Rabbot in D (75orLess Unintentional exclusive remix)
- Screw of Damnnation
Kill Kill Kill is the solo project of Los Angeles-based musician Eric Stiner. A member of Boy/Girl, Kill Kill Kill will release 12 albums in 12 months from June 2008-June 2009. All of the releases have an environmentally conscience theme and the releases are made with recyclable materials. A portion of the proceeds will be donated to the Nature Conservancy in support of the mission behind the Kyoto Protocol. Designing and crafting his own “homemade” effects pedals and modified guitars and amplifiers, they mix the psychedelia of Acid Mothers Temple and the riff laden moxie of the Melvins. Not quite an EP, the five tracks contain over forty three minutes of music including an exclusive remix unavailable anywhere else.
Garage Sale Picasso / Maria Monk – Split EP
75OL-136 Garage Sale Picasso / Maria Monk – Split EP
$7.00 S&H Included
Track Listing:
Garage Sale Picasso
- Discrepancy
- Ghost
- Long Gone
- Wasting Away
Digital Download is available here
Maria Monk
- Diamond Smile
- Middleman
- Ender’s Game
- Cave In
Digital Download is available here
Garage Sale Picasso is an indie pop band from Providence and Worcester/central MA. They have a powerful female front, layering vocals on top of a sound-scape of guitars, melodic bass, and energetic drums. GSP has been described as being “richly toned” and having an “inherent motion,” seasoned with a deliberate undercurrent of chaos. They have been compared to Smashing Pumpkins and Guided by Voices.
Maria Monk is a rock band from Providence, RI. This split EP with Garage Sale Picasso is the band’s debut release. Diamond Smile references Dinosaur Jr’s guitar-driven attack, while Middle Man blends introspective and provocative lyrics with a loud punk rock drive. Live show favorite Ender’s Game delivers a fast, raucous and angsty performance. Cave In closes Maria Monk’s half of the EP with epic sounds and lyrics, conjuring vast space operas.
Hank Sinatra Jr – Grow a Pear
75OL-142 Hank Sinatra Jr – Grow a Pear CD
$7.00 S&H Included
Digital download is available here
Track Listing:
- Mini Man
- Whole Foods
- Tapeworm
- Meow
- Hooray Hoorah
- L8 4 M8 D8
- America America
- Summertime Song
- Attack of the Killer Turds Theme Song
- Intermission
- Pound.O.Past
- Irregular Pirate
- (Theme to a Montage)
- Tiddlywinks Energy Drinks
- The 2nd Song On The Album About an STD
- Weigh Stations
- Coloring Book
It is a sure thing that Hank Sinatra Jr. will one day be a star. Until then, we are lucky enough to be able to pay $7 for his unreal geniusnessosity and be practically assured to get in to any of his shows without them selling out. “Grow A Pear” was performed, recorded, mixed, marstered, mustied and marbled by Hank. With reggae jams, rock anthems, club hits, sea shantys and more, this album proves the genre defying act worthy. 2012 will probably, most likely be the year that the last person, who has not heard of Hank Sinatra Jr., will die. So get hip, be yourself and do what I say… buy Hank Sinatra Jr.’s “Grow A Pear” while you still can.
Hank Sinatra Sr.
Galvanize – Self Titled
75OL-134 Galvanize – Self Titled CD
$7.00 S&H Included
Track Listing:
- Battleship
- Cupcake Face
- Back in Bed
- Audrey Meadows
- Sane Coupon
Galvanize are an indie rock group from Providence, RI. Combining muscular, angular riffs with imperial horsepower drumming, the group lays the foundation for emotive, honest lyrics of the daily societal grind to be dispensed with proper punch.
Soma Nova – Self Titled
75OL-133 Soma Nova – Self Titled
$9.00 S&H Included
Digital download is available here
Track Listing:
- All This Time
- Closer to the Closer
- 72 Stones
- Remember Me
- Point Me To Judith
- Hope’s Lament
- In This World
- Lonely Street
- Take a Look Around
Soma Nova was recorded and mixed at Summing Point, Newport, RI, in the second half of 2011. This collection of songs infuses psych-pop and folk rock, a cure-all remedy for whatever befalls you. Being compared to Bob Dylan’s Infidels is definitely a jump start in the right direction for Soma Nova’s debut.
The Blood Moons / Six Star General – Split 12″ Vinyl
75OL-135 The Blood Moons / Six Star General – Split 12″ Vinyl
$22.00 S&H Included
Track Listing
The Blood Moons “Self Titled” EP
- You Don’t Love Me Anymore
- Glassy Eyes
- What You Do To Me
- Goodbye
- Can’t Make You Mine
- You’re Alone
Six Star General “These Woods Smell Like Grape” EP
- Sonic Boom
- Manchester Divided
- Gasoline
- No Know No
- There’s No Steak in Cake
- Life’s a Gas
- Requiem for Danny
Vinyl is limited to 200 hand numbered copies. The jackets were screen printed by the bands at the 75orLess house, on 18 point brown 100% PCW recycled chipboard, using red and black inks. Includes digital download.
New Bedford, Massachusetts’ The Blood Moons newest batch of songs about love gone wrong, relationships gone wrong, lust gone wrong, goodbyes gone wrong, and taxidermied lovers!
Providence, RI’s Six Star General recorded their EP in the summer of 2011 at Plan of a Boy Studio in Providence with Kraig Jordan. Seven songs, over 22 minutes of music, including a cover of the T. Rex classic ‘Life’s a Gas’ with Jodie Treloar on vocals.
The Birkitt Transmissions – Cut in 3 T-shirt
75OL-127 The Birkitt Transmissions – Cut in 3 T-shirt
[sold out]
The front has ‘The Birkitt Transmissions’ centered in white ink, while the back has ‘Cut in 3’ centered in white ink on a black short sleeve pre-shrunk 100% Cotton/Cotton Anvil t-shirts. Sizes are Small or Large. Please indicate size in Paypal notes when ordering.
Hank Sinatra Jr. – The Greatest CD You Will Ever Buy DVD
75OL-125 Hank Sinatra Jr. – The Greatest CD You Will Ever Buy DVD
$8.00 S&H Included
Dear Reader,
Hold on, let me switch pens. Okay. Now that I am in your head, let me tell you how much you already love this DVD. Not only do you love the music videos, skits, stand-up comedy, live performances, cartoons and easter eggs. But you also love the fact that it is the most damn DIY thing you’ve touched this year. Edited, shot, music, animations and funding by me. None of that kickstarter bullshit. Even hand drawn covers copies at Staples, hand cut and blah, blah, blah. You get it. 75orLess Records and I are releasing this thing old skool. 75 copies. Enjoy!
Hank Sinatra Jr.