Matt Everett – White Sugar
75OL-250 Matt Everett – White Sugar
$8.00 S&H Included
Digital download is available here
Track Listing
1. Stay Alive
2. No I don’t
3. Secret Satellite
4. Messed Up By Sound
5. Cheap Plastic Shovel
6. Quickening
7. The Greatest Thing
8. Up On A Cloud
A different take on disco and soul music from the mercurial Matt Everett. A dance able melding of modern and classic disco/psych/pop elements. Flavors of: Bee Gees, David Bowie, Marvin Gaye, MGMT, Brian Eno.
‘This feels so true, simple and direct as morning sunlight or a glass of water when you’re thirsty… there are
no singular standouts here, as it’s all cut from the same fine cloth.’ –
Dream Magazine, review of Matt Everett album “Little Epiphany”