Stan Sobczak Stan Never Ending
75OL-372 Stan Sobczak – Stan Never Ending digital download

Streaming and download available here
Stan Never Ending moves slowly, like the way the light shifts across a room when you’re not paying attention. You might hear a familiar note – something you think you know – but then it’s gone, pulled under by the tide of something deeper. This isn’t music that demands to be heard. It’s there, waiting, filling the spaces you didn’t know needed filling.
Each piece unfolds with a patience that feels rare, almost forgotten. The sound carries you through a place where time is uncertain, where one room leads into another, but the doors are never shut. It’s not meant to end. Not really. It just keeps going, like a thought that lingers long after the conversation is over.
Stan made this. He’s been here all along, even if you didn’t notice him. Maybe you hear him now.
Track Listing
- Why Are We Stopping? 04:48
- Complacent Basement 04:41
- Vacation Bible School 09:06
- At The Seams 07:39
- The Song Before The Storm 12:27
- Let’s Try Again 06:43
- When It’s Gone (It’s Gone) 17:54
- All Quiet On The Homefront 06:29
- Gaussian Blur 18:40
- Tell It To The Judge 05:21