Tag: Sweet Love
Boston’s The Noise reviews Outlaw In Peru’s ‘OIP’
Outlaw in Peru – OIP
Outlaw In Peru claim to hail from Providence, but they could just as well come from outer space. There are a few biker rock kind of songs that cruise along in a cool way. What I’m really digging here are trippy Steppenwolf or Hawkwind sounding gems, the really long songs that let the psyche guitar rip. Outlaw In Peru worked with one of my favorite lyricists Mike Mountain on much of this record and its cool to hear his words in a different soundscape and a different voice. Let your brain be the venue and check this album out with headphones and whatever it is you take to relax. Enjoy the trip!
Outlaw in Peru – OIP
75OL-234 Outlaw in Peru – OIP
$7.00 S&H Included
Digital download available here
Track Listing
1. Dovish Delight 04:30
2. Snooperscope 04:15
3. Closed Eyes 07:16
4. Resurrection of Thanksgiving 03:49
5. Profile in The Rock 04:42
6. The Watcher 04:13
7. I Killed the Kennedys 03:57
8. Fever Dream 07:29
9. OIP Worldwide 09:56
10. Graintable 07:50
These three fugitives from justice, have been jamming together for a year now. They met in a peruvian penal colony, singing in the prison death metal choir. Breaking rocks in the hot sun, they fought the law & the law won.
Mark Suburbanite was arrested for giving cannabinoid donuts to police when he worked the drive thru at donas clavada. He bats left handed, likes to cuddle, and provides that fat fuzzy bottom.
Tu-lo was incarcerated for sleep jaywalking and not identifying himself to police. ZZZzzz was not the name monogrammed on his footie pajamas. He collects hand stamps, loves dogs, sunsets & destroying drum kits.
Jose was driving 20mph on the highway, when he was pulled over for going too slow. He refused to respond when police knocked on the window, singing “I hear ju knockin but chu can’t come in”. He was tazed and confused for so long its not true, wanted Doritos, never bargained for 10-20yrs.. Jose collects wigs, likes ballroom dancing and coating his guitar strings with honey, to slide smoothly up the neck. Extra buzz comes from the bees in his bonnet.
Michael Montagano wrote to them in prison. The contents of his letters forming the lyrics for most songs. He is the Bernie to their Elton. Performing with the band Mike Mountain is his day job.
OIP play long jams, interspersed with tenor poetry, thick fuzzy green sweaters, old movies playing in the background while the beats flow. Influenced by Bunnydrums, Earthless, Mike Mountain, Harsh Toke, Hawkwind, Can, The Sword, Shabbas, Derek Trucks, Dust & Phillip K. Dick….
Chilling at their hide out in Central Falls, the gang just released their jams to the world. Double bock stoner rock with a thick fuzzy coating. Slippery guitar, fuzz bass, heavy drums. They cannot show their faces in many places, unless it’s guitar pose faces, or orgasm faces… on the run & looking for fun…Contact our FB page if you would like a date. Law enforcement need not apply…
Sweet Love at The Parlour
with Barrens, Hector 3 and Jael’s Ped
The Parlour
North Main Street
Providence, RI
Black Oil Incinerator and Sweet Love at Dusk
as part of FuzzFest II with Woozy, cardboard Cannons, Woozy, Balam and many others
Harris Ave
Providence, RI
Sweet Love at the WNBA Block Party
noon to 6pm in Luongo Square between The Avery and E & O Tap.
The Avery
18 Luongo Memorial Square, Providence, Rhode Island 02903
also appearing:
The Rare Occasions
Young Pandas
Brian McKenzie
The Sugar Honey Iced Tea
Miss Wensday & The Cotillions
Jeff Byrd & Dirty Finch
Less than a felony
The Quahogs
Smith & Weeden and Friends
Papa Squash
The Chislers
Lucky United
Sweet Love at Dusk
with Black Oil Incinerator and Clean Lines
Harris Ave
Providence, RI
Sweet Love at Dusk
with Malyssa & the Liberators and Khaled
Harris Ave
Providence, RI
Sweet Love at D’s Dog House
with Linear North, Slaughterhouse Chorus, and The Mud Plots
D’s Dog House
Granville, VT
Sweet Love, Hooker Clops & The Blood Moons at Dusk
Providence, RI
Six Star General, Sweet Love, Deadlands at The Parlour
The Parlour
North Main Street
Providence, RI