The Wire Chimes – Archaeolomancy
75OL-295 The Wire Chimes – Archaeolomancy

$7.00 S&H Included
Digital download and streaming is available here
Track Listing
- Unabashedly
- Dispatch From The Tar Pits
- Crucial Minutia
- Elemental Megahertz
- New Musclebucket
- Summerbump, Ch. 3
- Between Randolph and Sheldon Streets
- Animal Arm
- Bronco (First Time Out)
- Sea Slider
- Shfting Drifts
The Wire Chimes is pretty much one guy, Jeremy Withers, chipping away at nuggets of melody until their true forms are revealed.
Archaeolomancy is a family of concepts that never found a home in other bands/projects/releases, some of them born of ore dating back twenty years. In coming together here, they’ve revealed a common lineage. These instrumentals’ DNA pull equally from mid-90s indie rock and weird bedroom electronica, all filtered through layers of grime to form the soundtrack to a fever dream.